Welcome to mO Body page!
Hope You like my music.
If You are looking full mp3's look at my pages at Ampcast.com and mp3.com
I would like to get comments about my songs, so click "contact" and let me know what you think. Best comments (bad or good) will show on these pages!
And if there is anyone who is interested of doing remixes of my tracks, or lyrics/vocals for tracks, please contact me!
Thank You all in advance!
- mO Body, Finland, 2002
This "band" is me and my computer and a lots of software. I started "seriously" trying to make music at 2001, so I'm quite newcomer in this. Anyway I'm trying to do music I like and if some of You like it too, that's even better. Most of my tracks are danceable but there are also ambient and experimental ones. In my music emphasis is on rhythm not so much on melodies. If Your taste of music is electronic/dance/trance/ambient, listen me out, download if You like, or buy a CD.